Monday, March 19, 2012

So Thankful

I am so deeply grateful for many different people, in just the past few days.

1) the friends on Facebook who reposted the link to my blog to share the open letter to other pink slippers. Its amazing that you were willing to broadcast the thoughts I had to people I have never met.

2) Sandy Coronilla of the Voice of San Diego who was willing to listen to me and use my side in her article, "San Diego Teachers: Will Work for Benefits"

3) The Voice of San Diego who linked to my page on the Morning Report page. Just scroll down to "People Don't Like Teacher Layoffs"

4) The teacher who emailed me regarding my Four for Four post, and was so encouraging. He mentioned the need for new leadership, and the current inability for teachers to trust either side of the debate. He couldn't have said it more clearly. I hope he forgives this anonymous requote. He was incredibly succinct:
Do I trust the union to look out for my best interests? Not really. On the other hand, if concessions were made, do I trust the district to reinstate concessions that they have asked the union to make if (or when) the money becomes available (as it has for the last 6 years)? Not really.

What's really needed is new leadership from both sides -- top-level changes with the superintendent and his assistants, a clear, concise and understandable district finance and budgeting system (not the convoluted and mysterious one that's used now), and new union leadership, getting rid of the people whose backs go up every time the district puts out a press release.
In closing, I am thankful. I am thankful for all of you who have supported me in following my passion- changing the face of education. Thank you for encouraging me, and for spreading my humble words around. I am so grateful. If you have any suggestions for, or interest in, standing up for ourselves against the kids in the sandbox of politics, shoot me an email. I'd love to hear from you.


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